December 13, 2019

Five easy photos to take of your newborn (with minimal effort!)

Are the words swimming on the page in front of you right now? You must be exhausted having just brought a human into the world or suddenly found yourself living with your newly adopted child.

The tiredness is like nothing else, isn’t it? But if I promise to keep this short, will you try and take these five easy newborn photos so that you have some memories of the first few weeks with your little bundle of joy?

You can take all of these newborn photos while barely moving your exhausted feet! Try them after a feed or during nap time and you can easily get all five in a few short minutes. Then get yourself to bed for a power nap too!

1.The entire cot

This photo is easier to do on a little stool so you have a bit of height. It’s a great photo to show how teeny your baby is in comparison to the cot that they’ll one day be too big to sleep in. You can totally do this in a moses basket too, but cots just give you a little more blank space to work with.

young baby lying in cot newborn photoshoot

Why listen to me? I’m Tori, a Hertfordshire family photographer photographing newborns through to older kids in a natural, happy way to really capture their personalities. I love helping parents get great photos of their kids. Read on for more photo ideas…

2. The full body shot

You can simply zoom your camera in a little from your vantage point on the stool (or come closer if you’re using a cameraphone).  The cot will give you a really simple background with no clutter so you can see all their cuteness in one photo…

newborn baby sleeping during family photo session

If this is already feeling too hard, let me come and photograph your new arrival for you! It’s hard to do much with a new baby so I totally get it if you want to outsource this, plus we can get photos of you with your baby too!

3. The close up

Move a little closer and get a close up of their gorgeous little face. You can play around with angles until you get a photo you love. You won’t regret taking the time to capture their cute little squishy features.

cute baby sleeping during family photos

While a lot of photographers say that you should have newborn photos taken in the first ten days, I believe that there is no time that is “too late” for newborn photos so if you’re reading this feeling like you’ve missed the boat, you haven’t! Get in touch with me if you still want some professional family photos taken.

4. A different perspective

Try bending down a little and taking a photo through the cot side. It shows where they are really well in terms of their environment, but still is an interesting picture for a framing. 

3 month old smiling through cot bars during family photos

Got all four? Keep going! If you’re struggling, drop me an email, I’m here to help you…

5. The tiny details

“The days are long but the years are short” – I don’t think a truer statement has ever been muttered about being a parent! You know that before long they’ll be in bigger shoes than you and it’ll be hard to remember that their feet and hands were ever so dinky. I personally love how baby’s hair tends to stick up all over the place so I always try to get a top of head photo too.

top of baby head and baby toes

If you fancy trying editing the photos a bit then I love the simplicity of newborn photos in black and white (especially like Art here in a white cot). Plus all camera phones have a black and white filter which makes them all lovely and consistent and ready for printing or ready for sending out to everyone you’ve ever met so you can brag on how gorgeous your little bundle is!

I hope this has helped inspire you to get your phone or camera out and photograph your new addition to the family. Don’t forget, if even these easy newborn photos seem too much hard work, I can always come and take photos for you so you can be in the pictures too 🙂 Or if you want to find out how it is to work with me more first, check out this Hertfordshire family photography information page to find out a bit more about the whole process of a family shoot.

Want your own amazing newborn photos?

I can help you out and make sure you're in the photos too!

Let's chat

About Tori

Hi I’m Tori, welcome to the home of all things happy! Here I reckon you’ll find some of the happiest photos in Hertfordshire…I love being around love so I was made for photography. Your wedding, your family days, your passion projects; they all give me the grins. Anything you want to chat about, I’ve probably seen it so get in touch because I love a good natter. Plus, maybe we’re friends that just haven’t met yet, who knows?!