June 28, 2020

Hengrave Hall wedding photographer: Angela & Rudo

Angela & Rudo got married recently at the staggeringly beautiful Hengrave Hall.  The whole day was just wonderful.  Angela & Rudo approached their wedding day with such a great attitude of pure happiness and total relaxation.  For example, Angela told me on their pre-wedding shoot (4 days before the wedding!) that the dress shop had lost her dress & it didn’t phase her at all!  Suffice to say it did turn up the day before the wedding, but she’d been looking into things like how to make a wedding dress out of a table cloth and all sorts of other ideas without so much as a worry in sight!

Angela & Rudo planned their wedding from three different countries while neither of them were living in the same country as each other, nor living together and it’s staggering to me that they pulled off such a beautiful day.

The morning was spent surrounded by Angela’s nieces and nephews who were all super excited with a quick meander across Hengrave Hall to the onsite chapel which is like a chocolate box church! Then the sun shone on them all for drinks on the terrace. The thing I loved most about Angela from the first moment I met her is that she genuinely doesn’t seem to have a care in the world.  All of her expressions are happy and she’s excited about everything, which obviously makes me a very happy wedding photographer!  Her reactions during the speeches were priceless.  And Angela and Rudo trying to navigate a well practiced first dance routine, that had never been tried in a big wedding dress, had them both in stitches! Their speeches were very funny and Angela & Rudo were so happy and a good lot of dancing to top it all off!

But mainly, the whole day just felt so happy because Angela and Rudo never stopped smiling for a single minute of it, and isn’t that what your wedding day should be about? It was just such an infectious level of joy to be around!

I cannot say enough good things about this day – the weather was perfect, the venue and staff were amazing!  But I hope that the photos show you that for themselves.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Tison! If you want to see more of this gorgeous pair then check out their London engagement shoot too!

If you’re getting married and are looking for a Hengrave Hall wedding photographer, get in touch because this is a venue I adore working at. But if you’re looking for a St Albans or Hertfordshire wedding photographer then that’s my stomping ground and I can help you out there too of course!

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About Tori

Hi I’m Tori, welcome to the home of all things happy! Here I reckon you’ll find some of the happiest photos in Hertfordshire…I love being around love so I was made for photography. Your wedding, your family days, your passion projects; they all give me the grins. Anything you want to chat about, I’ve probably seen it so get in touch because I love a good natter. Plus, maybe we’re friends that just haven’t met yet, who knows?!