October 21, 2020

How to repurpose branding photos for maximum efficiency

How to repurpose your business photos in five ways

So, you’ve got your branding shoot photos back, you’re thrilled with them and you’ve updated your website.

You’re feeling pretty good about how it all looks and then the elephant in the room starts talking to you…

Social media.

That giant albatross starts moaning about getting done. Sometimes social media can feel overwhelming. Read on for a few tips for making it far more manageable and five easy tips on how to repurpose branding photos to save yourself a tonne of time.

St Albans branding photography repurposing

Considered batching?

Firstly, if you’ve never considered batching your posts, I can’t recommend it highly enough. I used to post sometimes here and sometimes there when I remembered. Or when, with a shock I realised I hadn’t posted in a while.

I’ll admit when I’m in a rhythm social media works for me, but I can fall off the wagon easily.

Once the rhythm goes, it’s hard to start up again (lockdown taught me this big style!) so sitting with it is key.

If you pick a software that works for you, it makes life so much easier. I personally really like Later, but Facebook has its own scheduler and a lot of people rate Hootsuite and there is plenty of other software out there too.​

repurposing business photos through batching software

Repurposing content

Time is a factor we all battle with. Even if you have it under control there are always more goals you want to conquer. Therefore, the best way to leverage your time is to reusing your content which includes repurposing your business photos. This has the double benefit of getting your photos and your brand message seen by as many people, across as many platforms, as possible.

Plus, look at it like this. You’ve invested in your branding photoshoot so if you use every photo multiple times you’re making that photo stretch way further. If it goes on your website and in six other places the photo cost can be divided by 7. Way more bang for your buck!

Personally, I’d recommend scheduling different platforms on different days (sometimes even weeks apart) as there is nothing more likely to get people quickly unfollowing you than seeing the same thing from you on logging in to multiple places.

Where and how to use a single image

1. Write a blog post

You can use a single image telling a story, illustrating a product, introduce people to elements of your business – the sky is the limit when it comes to blogging. It’s always been one of my favourite platforms (but I love to write!)

2. Instagram post

You can use the same image to share your blog post or tell a mini version of the same story from your blog post.

repurposing content for social media using single image

3. Facebook post

Announce your blog post on your Facebook business page. I don’t shout about a new blog post on the same day on Instagram and Facebook. I don’t have huge blogs where I’m hoping for viral content (like Buzzfeed etc) so I am just hoping the content will reach people that it will help. Therefore, it doesn’t need to reach lots of people quickly and can be sent to different audiences on different days.

4. Instagram stories / Facebook stories

Create eye catching graphics using the imagery to put into your stories to announce your blog post or Facebook / Instagram posts.

5. YouTube / Vimeo

You can make a slideshow incorporating your image or use it as a cover for a video you upload.

6. Other places for engagement

Create a pin with your photo, use it in your mailing list, add it to posts you put into Facebook business groups (using the groups relevantly and not being spammy of course!)

One final word on repurposing

When scheduling your posts, it feels like a huge task but taking one morning at the beginning of the month is far more time efficient than doing posts sporadically and individually. This doesn’t mean that you can’t go and update social media here and there when something happens off the cuff – do it!

And, when you schedule a blog post, reschedule it for 3 or 6 months later as well. Chances are not everyone will see it now. Plus, your new followers will see it when it automatically reposts later in the year. Anyone that’s already read it will just scroll past, no harm done!

What tip on how repurposing business photos is the most helpful for you, I’d love to know! Or what do you do that could be helpful for others, share your best tip below.

Get in touch if you’re just missing the on-brand photos you need to share on social media – I’m the perfect person to help with that 🙂

About Tori

Hi I’m Tori, welcome to the home of all things happy! Here I reckon you’ll find some of the happiest photos in Hertfordshire…I love being around love so I was made for photography. Your wedding, your family days, your passion projects; they all give me the grins. Anything you want to chat about, I’ve probably seen it so get in touch because I love a good natter. Plus, maybe we’re friends that just haven’t met yet, who knows?!