Whether it’s for a professional headshot on a paid for personal branding photoshoot, taking your own social media selfie, or simply standing in a photo while out with family, knowing how to pose can significantly improve how you look in your photos. And, therefore, make you feel better about yourself. As a woman, I know how critical we all are of photos of ourselves so let’s give ourselves a fighting chance to not pick ourselves apart eh?
It’s not about striking the poses we all see models making in high fashion magazines; it’s about moving your body subtlety to bring out your best features and to communicate confidence, approachability, and professionalism when taking a business photo.
While I often strive to capture people naturally, read on for a few gentle posing ideas to help you feel ‘camera ready’ for your next foray in front of the camera.
Get those hips facing the camera
We always start with the hips because where your hips lead the rest of your body follows…
Our natural instinct when a camera points at us is to stand straight on to the lens. However, standing like this we all look a little boxy, no matter our body shape.
Firstly, moving one hip further away from the camera completely changes the perspective on your body shape and has a slimming effect by introducing a natural S-curve to your posture, giving everyone the illusion of a more defined waist. This is because most people will naturally stand with their weight distributed evenly between their feet when front on to the camera and with their weight more on one foot when one hip is back. Much more flattering!
Secondly, when facing the camera flat on, your photos can look very two-dimensional. By turning slightly, you add depth and dimension to the photo, with is more appealing to the eye.
Lastly, standing slightly sideways also looks more natural giving a more natural, open feel to your photographs.
The secret is being subtle – don’t overdo it! You don’t want to turn 90 degrees, just a little twist will be enough to give you a great silhouette and elevate your photos.

Pull those shoulders back for an air of confidence
If you want to appear confident, open and approachable then roll those shoulders back! There is nothing that screams defeat more than sitting hunched over so we need to sit up nice and straight with your shoulders pulled back but relaxed to give off a welcoming air in photos.
If you overdo this you can end up looking stiff and uncomfortable in your photos so it’s a good idea to give your shoulders a roll before your photographer clicks the shutter button. Or if you’re having a longer shoot, roll your shoulders every so often and shuffle in your chair to keep your back mobile. You’ll stay in a comfortable, confident-looking position.
For women, as with your hips, try to keep one shoulder slightly further away from the camera lens for the ultimate flattering angle. You can experiment with lifting your shoulder closer to the camera towards your chin ever so slightly as well – it can look inviting. Your photographer will usually be happy to show you the back of the camera (I know I am!) so you can see how you’re coming across in the photos and adjust as you go along.

Bend at the hips slightly for a flattering look
It’s a common instinct to lean away from the camera when it’s pointed at you – we’re not that scary, honestly! However, this inadvertently distorts our body’s natural proportions. Whatever is furthest away from the camera looks smallest so you can end up looking like you have a small head and bigger chest or arms – not the look we want…
The way to fix this? Make a micro adjustment and hinge towards the camera ever so slightly at the hips. It won’t be noticeable on camera but will balance your upper and lower body to keep all your features in proportion to create a flattering headshot. Plus it has the added benefit of stretching out double chins a little bit, win-win!

How to combat double chins
Is one of your biggest photo paranoias a double chin? Yep, me too. We’ve all been there! While we can’t always stop the dreaded double chin being captured, especially when someone takes a hideous selfie from below, use these tips to minimise the dreaded second chin from showing up with these tips.
When we instinctively lean away from the camera, we push our neck back and chin down, which can give the appearance of a double chin. The subtle bending forward mentioned in the last point is the first good place to start.
There was also a ‘tip’ a few years ago about pushing your tongue into the roof of your mouth. Don’t do this! It actually pushes your chin out further. Do the opposite and push your tongue into the bottom of your mouth.
There are a number of other ways to keep the double chin at bay. Hollywood celebrities swear by the ‘peach trick’.
- Stand or sit up straight. Good posture elongates your body.
- Stick your chin out. Just like a giraffe stretching its neck, gently push your chin forward. It stretches the skin around your neck area, smoothing out any creases or shadows.
- Now move your chin slightly down and imagine you’re gently holding a peach under your chin. This helps to further define your jawline.
Keep your movements gentle and subtle and with a little practice, you’ll find the sweet spot that works best for you. It might feel a little strange at first, but trust me, it’s a game-changer!
Then also check out some red carpet photos of celebrities; they’re all doing it!

Bend those arms and legs for a little elegance
A question I hear all the time is, “what should I do with my arms?” It’s like you suddenly are aware of your hands for the first time when a camera is pointed at you.
Best rule of thumb… if it bends, bend it! This goes for both legs and arms. You don’t want limp spaghetti arms just hanging by your sides which can look stiff and unnatural.
There are several options:
- put one or both hands on your hips
- cross your arms over your chest (either both or clasp one at the elbow) – be warned this isn’t very flattering if you have a large chest
- casually place your hands in the pockets of your trousers or jacket by the fingers, just the thumb or with your whole hand
- cross your legs at the ankle when leaning against walls or sitting
- bend one leg when standing up rather than evenly standing on both legs
Remember to bend your arms and legs when sitting as well as standing!

Final musings on killer posing for portraits
While these are some of my thoughts on how to gently pose for photos on your personal branding photoshoot or in photos on the fly remember that feeling comfortable and good in your own skin is always the best pose to strike. Whether it’s a belly laugh, a thoughtful gaze, or a power pose, embracing who you are on the inside is always the best shout. It’s not about finding the perfect pose but about connecting with your ideal audience.
Even when two business women try the same pose they’ll look different as their clothing, styling and personalities will shine through differently so do take all of this with a pinch of salt. Mood boards should be used as inspiration only and you should show up to any photo shoot ready to let what is amazing and unique about you and your business light up each and every photo.
So, take a deep breath, love the camera, let the camera love you and let your photos tell the story about what makes you, and your business, so incredible (which pretending to hold a peach under your chin!)
If you’re ready to step in front of the camera and feel incredible doing it I can help you with amazing personal branding photos that help you look and feel incredible showing up online in front of your next potential client. I help businesses in St Albans, Hertfordshire and further afield with natural business photography. I’d be delighted to talk about how I can elevate your photos and help you grow your online presence.