Sometimes I believe things are meant to be. A lot of things about hanging out with Lou & Pete made me strengthen this view. About two days before Lou got in touch to confirm a Hampstead engagement shoot date, I’d stumbled across this awesome place online and made it my mission to photograph there; the Hampstead Pergola & Hill Gardens. Lou’s email asked if it would be ok to meet precisely there as it’s where she and Pete had their second first date (nope, not a typo!) Chatting to Lou & Pete about how they got together it turns out they were a couple during sixth form, but then drifted apart (as you do), but Pete got back in touch with Lou a few years later, hence the second first date. Just another thing that makes me believe in meant to be as Lou & Pete obviously found their way back to each other.
Hanging out with Lou & Pete and hearing about their wedding was ace. We had such a fun afternoon together. Lou has a totally infectious, huge smile and Pete knows exactly how to elicit it from her.
They are getting married in their local church where the vicar knows them both from childhood and then heading on to their tipi reception at Lou’s Dad’s golf club. I think it’s going to be amazing! Also, I get the great pleasure of seeing another bride and groom from last year, David & Philly, who introduced me to Lou & Pete. Double yay!
Enjoy the photos and don’t forget to check back to see their full wedding in a few months time! Now that I’ve photographed it you can see their gorgeous tipi wedding in all it’s glory!
If you fancy a Hampstead engagement shoot or are having a Cambridge wedding, get in touch, I’d love to hear all about it! Or you can read all about Hertfordshire wedding photography and working with me before getting in touch if you’d prefer!