Who doesn’t love the confetti toss at weddings? It’s always so much fun! As a wedding photographer with hundreds of weddings under my belt, I absolutely love photographing this part of the day because it’s a such a fun, candid moment.
In order to get incredible, joy-filled confetti photos, I wanted to share my top tips for getting those brilliant confetti photos you dream of.

Not sure what kind of confetti to get or how to stage your confetti moment? I’ve seen it all! Let’s start planning your wedding photography together…
Make sure your guests have enough confetti to make the photos full of confetti, you need to be able to tell it’s a confetti shot! 🎉
Think about how you’re going to deliver the confetti to the guests. Are they expected to grab a handful? Sometimes when they’re also trying to hold glasses, phones, handbags this can lead to meagre handfuls! Will you give each guest a cone afterwards or an envelope on their ceremony chair? If you give each guest an envelope, make sure they are asked to empty it into their hands before the throw (don’t worry, I always do this!) because it doesn’t usually fly too well if trying to tip the envelope.

Want the most candid, happy photos you can imagine? I’ve definitely got your back there! Let’s talk joy-filled natural photography with no awkward posing…
It’s best for the planet to go biodegradable and buy real petals or dry your own flower petals of course. I heard of one bride who dried every petal from every flower her partner gave her. You need to be fairly confident from day one to do that (or hide them away secretly in the airing cupboard for years 😂)
There are so many different types of confetti you can opt for as well so pick something that suits you. There are the super traditional cut paper shapes (think the confetti shapes of churches and bells that were at your parents’ wedding!); be warned, this type of confetti stains when they get hot and sweaty inside your clothes. You also need to check that the inks are non-toxic and biodegradable. A lot of people throw rice but this also is not great for birds and small wildlife so a lot of venues won’t allow rice in the grounds; make sure you check before your big day. Also pay attention to confetti mixed with glitter (even if it claims to be biodegradable) as it’s usually not.
Or, why not go a bit left field and go for a bubble confetti shot. Get some bubble guns or bubble wands and walk through a line of bubbles? Or for a winter wedding how about going all out and walking past snow machines for that real crazy wow factor?!

While I love documentary style images of magical moments on your big day, of course I know how hard you’ve worked on all those little details too. Of course I’m going to capture all the little things that make up the styling and theme of your day like this lovely basket of confetti envelopes. Flowers, favours, tables… I’ll get all those little details of your day as well as my signature relaxed documentary photos too! Sound good? Let’s chat!
What style of confetti photo would you like?
There are various ways you can take your confetti photos.
You can walk through a tunnel of people (don’t worry, I’ll coordinate your guests for you on the day) and get some great happy walking photos. I’ll remind your guests to throw the confetti nice and high so that the confetti floats down gently rather than them lobbing petals right in your faces!
The pros: this is great if you’re wanting a low-pressure photo situation or have a lot of guests to wander past. It also gives you a lot of opportunity to get numerous great photos!
The cons: if you’re prone to looking at your feet then this might not be for you as I’ll end up with a lot of photos of the top of your heads!

No matter whether you’re getting married at a stunning church like these two, a country house, your family home, or any other type of venue, we can always find somewhere great to do confetti photos. I’ve coordinated hundreds of these kinds of photos… Let’s chat about your wedding.
If you don’t fancy walking through a tunnel, you can opt to stand in front of your guests but then you need to do something interactive (kiss, spin, dip etc) 💋
The pros: if you’re happy to play up for the camera then these photos can be really fun and this can be a great option if you only have a few guests (where your ‘tunnel’ would be really short). Plus, if your venue wants confetti limited to a very small area this can contain you nicely.
The cons: these shots really look better if you do something rather than just stand there looking at me, so get thinking and strike a pose! It’s not for everyone so if you’re feeling shy this may not be for you…

Feeling ready to take the plunge and look through my gallery of joy-filled candid wedding photography now? Do it and then drop me an email!
Alternatively, if your venue doesn’t allow outside confetti what about a dance floor confetti canon? A few trusted guests or potentially the DJ can set off a confetti canon during your first dance song. Definitely make sure you warn me so I can backlight all the confetti for extra wow factor.
The pros: these shots can look slick! And you’re already doing something else so there is no pressure on you at all. Plus, there’s nothing to say you can’t do outside confetti and first dance confetti if you’re allowed and so inclined!
The cons: All eyes will be on you so if you’re not feeling a full-on first dance and want to invite people on during your dance this might not be the option for you; you’ll want to maximise the dancing time and get those confetti pics before inviting friends and family up. Not all venues allow confetti canons either so make sure you double check!

Whatever you opt for, make sure you’re having fun – look at each other, laugh, cheer. All way more fun options than looking at your feet and give you way more interactive photos 🤩

Make sure you chat to your church or venue in advance so you don’t turn up armed with confetti only to find that you can’t throw confetti in the church grounds or use the type of confetti you chose at the venue. You need to know when and where you can throw it and then plan it into your day at a time when guests will have empty hands and are ready to get involved with the fun!
And then get in touch with me to make sure I’m there to capture these confetti moments in all their glory for you 😉